EFMP + Special Needs

Assignment Coordination
The primary role of the EFMP is to prevent special needs military families from being sent to locations without adequate medical or educational services. As part of the assignment coordination process, personnel officials consult with medical and educational professionals at the proposed location to determine if a family’s needs can be met there. Typically, if the determination is made that the family’s needs cannot be met at an installation, another assignment will be found for the service member. Some special needs families choose to stay at their previous location and allow the service member to travel alone to the new assignment.

Family Support
DOD policy allows (but does not require) the military Services to provide family support services specifically for exceptional family members at family centers on military installations with an EFMP. Available services vary among the military Services and from installation to installation. In some locations, EFMPs offer respite care and/or recreational programs that can accommodate family members with special needs. They may also provide information about local support groups, available advocacy services, and accessible housing. To find your installation EFMP office, check the Installation Program Directory at Military OneSource. Families can also call Military OneSource at 800.342.9647 and ask for a referral to a special needs consultant.
How to Enroll
Service members are required to enroll in the EFMP if they have a spouse, child, or other dependent family member in need of ongoing medical or educational services. To enroll, service members should complete and submit:
- DD Form 2792, the Family Member Medical Summary, and/or
- DD Form 2792-1, the Family Member Special Education/Early Intervention Summary to their installation EFMP office.

Additional Resources
EFMP & Me, a comprehensive guide to navigating the DoD’s Exceptional Family Member Program, which provides medical and special education services, community support, and benefits and entitlements.
The Education Directory for Children with Special Needs, a state-by-state guide to early intervention and special education services.
Free, military department-provided legal support is available for military families with special needs.
The EFMP Family Support Feedback Tool allows families to provide feedback about visits to the EFMP Family Support Office through a short, confidential questionnaire.