Your heart is open to having a child in your lives or adding to your family. You’ve talked about it and agreed that adoption is the route you want to take. Arm yourself with information before you even call an adoption agency. There is a lot to learn about the adoption process. Read up on the process first by visiting the Child Welfare Information Gateway. This site, run by the Department of Health and Human Services, provides non-biased information about the process, different types of adoption, different agencies, and a glossary of terms.
Search out other military families in your community who have adopted. Ask lots of questions:
- Should we try a domestic or foreign adoption?
- What agency or law firm did you use? Who should we avoid?
- What did it cost?
- What would you have done differently or smarter?

Military Adoption Benefits for Active Duty Families Include:
- Up to $2,000 reimbursement for adoption expenses
- Up to 12 weeks of adoption leave to bond with your new child
- Health care benefits before the adoption is final
Military service members who adopt a child under 18 years of age, including step-children, may be reimbursed for qualified adoption expenses up to $2,000 per adoptive child (up to a total of $5,000 if more than one child is adopted) per calendar year. In the case of a dual military couple, only one member may claim expenses for each adopted child.
Expenses incurred through the adoption of a service member’s children by a non-service connected step-parent do not qualify for reimbursement.
To claim reimbursement for an adoption, be sure to submit a DD Form 2675 no later than one year after the adoption is final.
The service member must be on active duty when filing for the reimbursement. You cannot get paid twice for the same expense by different programs. A separate form must be submitted for each child adopted. If you have questions as you are completing the form, you can email the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) office in charge of reimbursement at
Veterans with service-connected infertility are also eligible to receive reimbursement of adoption expenses. The reimbursement rates and covered expenses are the same as those offered to active duty families. The application for reimbursement must be submitted no later than two years after the adoption is finalized. For more information, visit the VA’s website.
As with any leave, this is granted at the discretion of the commander. Only service members who are eligible for reimbursement of adoption expenses are eligible for this leave.
Health Care
Children under the age of 18 placed in the home of a service member by a placement agency for adoption are considered dependents. With a court order for the placement, an adopted child may be eligible for military health benefits. Required documentation for IDs can be found here.